i wanted to post something totally different today, have the post all typed up and ready to publish, but now my bloody spell checker doesn't work and of course the paragraphs are up to shit again, so i'll leave you with this for now and promise to post something worthwhile Monday. I hope you have a dangerously delicious weekend people... sleep when you're dead and remember above all...
no regrets ok?!
you only live once after all :-)

8 COMMENTS....bite me!:
We need to be able to read 'em!
oh yay! i'm going on a roadtrip..na na na na naaaa!!!!!
those are fargin hysterical! i think eskom and telkom should both be re-labelled terrorist organisations!!!
bridge: i know i know, i did the best i could... put on your glasses ;-)
ruby: hmmm... did i miss something?
angel: thank God you've got eyes... mwhahahahah i also thought they were quite funny ;-)
Sleep when you're dead? No way, didn't the Energy minister Bulelwa Sonjica tell us to "Go to sleep earlier so that you can grow and be cleverer"?
well...you did say enjoy the weekend...sleep when you're dead etc....soooo, i'm going on a roadtrip...and i'm sure everybody will be jealous! well, the ones who can't anyway:-)
I love madam and eve
have a good one sweets
A dangerously delicious weekend? Sounds like an adventure to me!
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