Tuesday, January 8, 2008

wrapping up my holiday

boo hoo...sniff sniff... it's all done...it's all done... a whole month and two days... gone! all gone... oh well such is life right... i might be crazy... but i can't wait to go back to work....gasp... i know... disgusting... pathetic... can't believe it myself... but it shows that i've rested up and am ready for another year with the boss lady... i even miss her and her foul mouth... i'm back into P.A. mode... bought myself a funky diary... organised my life... kids are all set for school tomorrow... back to school and all that... i love this time of year... full of new challenges... oh my i've become that sunflowery person again...
this will be the last year that i stay home for the whole holiday... even crashing at family is better than this... don't get me wrong... had a good time... but holiday is just not holiday if you don't go somewhere... i need to see the sun set in the wrong place... i'm totally disorientated when i'm at a strange place... obvious right...the sun doesn't come up in the east when i'm away... and it sets in the wrong place too...
btw... i'm sitting here sipping oros... and dragging on a cigarette... how screwed up is that... i don't know what happened to me... my precious gin is in the cupboard... and i have no desire for booze... hmmm.... strange but embracing my oros in any case...
i did a whole lot of domestic shit this holiday... worked in the garden... broken nail to prove it... re-arranged my furniture... limited space so that was quite a challenge... sorted out the kids room... huge job... did all my washing... something that i never do... did some ironing... yeah i know... amazing.... cleaned the fish tank... cleaned the freezer... the closest thing we get to snow here in south africa... what else did i do... no that's about it... hugely domestic... hurl... i am after all not the domestic type...
the biggest reason i'm missing work is .... drum roll... my internet connection... fast... fast .... fast... can't wait!!! so i'll be all over you suckers tomorrow...!
note: i'm not even pissed at blogger anymore... see still no paragraphs...*skipping around in my pj's*

19 COMMENTS....bite me!:

Anonymous said...

Well I haent even a clue how to do anything you listed!
I am barely more domesticated than a house dog!

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm....are you sure it's only oros?

Ruby said...

Oros is the absolute best!

you've got me wondering...why am I not having problems with paragraphs?? i'm not complaining or anything, just wondering.

Welcome back to the working state of mind;-)

kyknoord said...

All good things and so forth. At least your first week back is a short one. I've been back at the grindstone since Monday.

Patchwork said...

I haven't had booze in almost four days! Sigh, my body is starting to protest and I feel like I am in AA!

Good luck with work! Have a fab year hun.

Sweets said...

sage: i have no choice, if i don't do it... nobody else will! you are just a spoiled puppy that's all ;-)

glug: it is! strange i tell ya...

rubes: back at work... not bad at all... i think the oros helped me cope LOL... you have a perfect blog that's why... murphy's law... he's my cousin see

kyk: shame poor you... and yeah... only short week AND the kidlets are going to the ex... and thanks for the good wishes...i think ;)~

bridge: thanks hun!

Ruby said...

I have a perfect blog??? really??? wow.....thats cool;-)

I think you should fire murphy...he's a real bitch sometimes

AngelConradie said...

oros... when there's gin in the house...
i'm so glad you're looking forward to going back to work- then your holiday was just long enough! and i am so impressed with all the domestic type stuff you did- i haven't done nearly enough yet!!!

Lady Black said...

dont get too upset dolly the rest of us have been Hi-Ho Hi -Ho its off to work I go for a while.
Hope you have a good time back at the desk

Sweets said...

rubes: you're just lovin' this...

angel: i'm sure you had better things to do... teehee ;-)

black: i know... it's not too bad so far...!

Unknown said...


Mr R Rabbit said...

So how was your first day back at work then? Been abusing the internet much?

Sweets said...

nick! thanks dude!

rabbit!! guilty as charged...

The Divine Miss M said...

Hope the first day back is going well!

My internet connection is faster at home than at work - but the work one is fast, home is just SUPERFAST! Ah, the joys of living in the UK with fantastic wireless broadband ;)

Gledwood said...

Sweet "ass"? Yeah darling it's a nice ARSE but it's spelt A-R-S-E and don't you forget it!!


Lopz said...

Hope the first day back was fun-filled and relaxing, with plenty of internet time wastage! You know it's our duty as workers in the rat race to abuse it... where would the blogging community be today without our insubordination?

Sweets said...

gledwood... really??? i had no idea!!!!!!!!!!! i hope you're just joking dude, i would hate to have to spank you... i think with an english accent it sounds perfect.....aaaaaaaaasssssss... come on say it with me! peace bro i'm in no mood to insult anybody today... ;-)

lops: i am a bad bad girl... LOL

Sweets said...

lops... oops LOL... it's lopz i know...

Sweets said...

miss m! thanks for reminding me that we live in a third world country...my first day was great, it's payday next week!...

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