Monday, August 27, 2007

guilty as charged

...yip i gave myself a bit of a face lift... how does the saying go? a change is as good as a holiday... and i sure can't afford a holiday at the moment...

back to work today... when i got to the office i had a mini heart attack... i'm writing an exam on wednesday and i had this awwwful assignment workbook to finish by then... i had big plans on taking a bit of my work time to study today... now the freaking book's gone... first clue... my table looked all wrong this morning, a definite clue that the bloody cleaning lady obviously thought my domain needed a good cleanup and my table needed to be rearranged so that i don't have a clue where anything is....oh my word i think i will after all go throttle her... fuck woman, leave my stuff alone please... she didn't bother to clean the freaking dust balls behind my computer, but she had time to rearrange every single item on my desk ... i hate that so much... just don't bother with my desk ok, i get the hint that my table looks .... (eyebrows raised, surveying my desk...) terrible most of the time, but i really know what's where... and obviously now i will have to spend the rest of the day rearranging my desk so that i know where everything is again... what a wonderful way to start my angina pains coupled with sparkly/dust balled table.... sheesh...

anyway i saw the funniest thing on my way to work today... bwahahahah... i thought it's so embarrassing you can only laugh at this... there was this girl driving behind me, i have to wait for about 10 minutes on the off ramp from the highway, and there she was... with two ginormous dice hanging from her rear view mirror... why oh why do people do this!!!??? why... really....why.... if you have to stop suddenly i swear these balls of gambling delight will knock you out before your air balloon/cushion thingies pops out of your steering wheel... maybe that's why she has them... but really am i the only living person who think that rear view mirror memorabilia is just so cheesy the point of they (the people of the other side) seriously think they look cool with these...hmmm....items hanging around for the world to you specially go buy these items to hang on your rear view mirror...really??no, really??...and after you've purchased them do you go by your best buds house and show them off...really?? shut up!!! nauseating... barf....common... chuck chuck... if her car looks like this what happens when you walk in her front door?? what does her interior look like, she probably has a disco ball hanging from her kitchen ceiling or something... grrr... i just don't get some people... on saturday i saw this other car... but it looked more like an aeroplane than a car...ready for lift off... the thing on the boot looked like the owner genuinely stole it off a jet or something, with wild lightning bolts on the side of the electric blue exterior.... oh. my. word. shame, i just don't get it, some people are just fucking weird...or i'm just totally without imagination...naaaaaaaahhhhhh...

ps: i got my assignment book back...phew...but the cleaning lady is still guilty as charged!!

2 COMMENTS....bite me!:

AngelConradie said...

mwaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaaaaaaa... i'm glad you found your book- but the dice thing cracked me up! i'm one of those people who will deliberately buy something like that and hang it on my mirror just to make people do a double take- same with furry dashboards, whale-tails and driving to work with a towel on my head (coz my hair's still wet)! i also go everywhere in my slippers- and the fuzzier/ shinier/ purpler the better!
as for glitter balls... i would KILL to have one in my bedroom! i even have fake-fur covered bar stools and a lava-lamp to match the mirror ball!

AngelConradie said...

lol... and guess what- the day before yesterday i bought a pair of white dice for my rearview mirror!

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